Title |
Mielių bioproceso eksperimentinių parametrų identifikavimas ir valdymo planavimas / |
Translation of Title |
Identification of yeast bioprocess experimental parameters and control planning. |
Authors |
Jakas, Vilius |
Full Text |
Pages |
69 |
Keywords [eng] |
biotechnology, bioreactor ; mathematical model ; identification ; ethanol |
Abstract [eng] |
Biotechnology process and quality of the final product have to meet strict quality requirements. During the fermentation process large amount of data is gathered, but it is not fully examined to extract information for the improvement of fermentation in the future. This paper describes mathematical model of yeast cultivation and develops it further. Defining the aerobic bioreactor used in the laboratory, paper expands fermentation control tools by adding new functions. Conducted calibration of measurement devices Developed partial identification of mathematical model parameters from real world data. Results of the simulated mathematical model and the behavior of real world bioreactor is compared. Proposal of the new substrate feeding profile, which may have led to higher biomass density with the same amount of glucose. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2018 |