Title Effect of NSP degrading enzymes and prebiotics on quality and texture profile of laying hen’s eggs /
Authors Alijošius, Saulius ; Gružauskas, Romas ; Šašytė, Vilma ; Racevičiūtė Stupelienė, Asta ; Vilienė, Vilma ; Daukšienė, Agila ; Mieželienė, Aldona ; Alenčikienė, Gitana ; Stanytė, Guoda
ISBN 9789997671813
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Is Part of Book of proceedings VIII international scientific agriculture symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05-08, 2017 / [editor in chief Dušan Kovačević].. East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2017. p. 2150-2155.. ISBN 9789997671813
Keywords [eng] Chickens ; Animal feed ; Food additatives ; Prebiotics ; Enzymes ; Eggs ; Food quality
Abstract [eng] The trial was conducted to investigate the supplementation of NSP degrading enzymes, prebiotics and its combination on the laying hens’ performance and quality of eggs. Lohman Brown laying hens aged 38 weeks were assigned to 4 dietary treatments for 8 weeks. The dietary treatments were: 1) control (C), 2) compound feed supplemented with enzymes (endo-1,4-β-xylanase 22000 VU/g, endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase 30000 VU/g and endo-1,4 -β-glucanase (cellulase) 6400 DNS units/g of feed) (E), 3) compound feed with prebiotics (mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) 1.0 kg/t of feed) (P), 4) compound feed with NSP degrading enzymes (endo-1,4-β-xylanase 22000 VU/g, endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase 30000 VU/g, endo-1,4 -β-glucanase (cellulase) 6400 DNS units/g of feed) and prebiotics (MOS 1.0 kg/t of feed) (EP). All laying hens were kept under the same conditions. Egg’s quality was determined using automatic egg quality analyzer and thickness of eggshell was evaluated with electronic micrometer. The texture characteristics were determined with the universal texture analyzer Instron 3343. Instrumental colour measurements of eggs were performed using a spectrophotometer Konica Minolta. Egg weight of E group was increased by 6%, but feed conversion ratio to produce 1 kg of eggs was decreased by 11%, compared to C group (P<0.05). Enzymes and MOS did not significantly effect egg quality parameters, but in E group shell weight increased by 9% (P<0.05). In addition of enzymes, the hens had produced eggs with higher albumen L* scores (P<0.05). Diet supplementation with enzymes had no significant effects on the yolk colour. In E group of laying hens, the egg mass and egg shell thickness were improved. The addition of enzymes and MOS mixture had highest positive effect on egg quality parameters, but had no statistically significant influence of egg’s texture and colour. Introduction Egg shell quality and egg internal quality are of major importance to.
Published East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2017
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2017