Title |
Business process representation based on business vocabulary and business rules semantics / |
Translation of Title |
Veiklos žodynų ir veiklos taisyklių semantika grindžiamas veiklos procesų vaizdavimas. |
Authors |
Mickevičiūtė, Eglė |
Full Text |
Pages |
32 |
Keywords [eng] |
business process ; business vocabulary and business rules ; BPMN ; SBVR ; transformation |
Abstract [eng] |
The development of an information system starts with business process modeling and identification of the business domain vocabulary and rules. In order to develop complete and comprehensive business process specification, it is appropriate to use several business modeling standards that deal with different business aspects and provide any participant with an opportunity to choose the most acceptable method of business representation. The selection of the most acceptable business representation method may speed up and improve communication between domain participants thus helping them avoid misunderstandings due to incorrect interpretations or misuse of terms, especially when the model is large and, therefore, difficult to read. This dissertation is devoted to integrating business process and business rules modeling standards in order to get a comprehensive and consistent business process specification. This decision is based on BPMN2 and SBVR modeling standards as the analysis showed that complex application of these two standards allows the best representation of real world objects and processes. Transformation of graphical business process models to business vocabularies and business rules models was implemented in order to ensure the compatibility of these two models. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2018 |