Title Study of defectoscopy of partially biodegradable LDPE films /
Authors Kibirkštis, Edmundas ; Miliūnas, Valdas ; Vaitasius, Kęstutis ; Kabelkaitė Lukoševičė, Asta ; Stepanenko, A ; Ragulskis, Liutauras
DOI 10.21595/vp.2017.18849
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Is Part of Vibroengineering procedia: 27th international conference on vibroengineering, Katowice, Poland, 26-28 September, 2017.. Kaunas : JVE International. 2017, vol. 13, p. 41-46.. ISSN 2345-0533. eISSN 2538-8479
Keywords [eng] defectoscopy ; biodegradable ; polymeric films ; projection moirė
Abstract [eng] Physical characteristics of the loaded new developed partially biodegradable LDPE polymeric films (containing sorbit, molasses and chitosan additives) with defects and without have been investigated experimentally by using the method of projection moiré. The first eigenmodes are analysed, graphical results of their investigation are presented. It was determined that the shape of the first vibrations eigenmode and the characteristics of vibrations have changed when the polymeric film had a tear defect. The results obtained could be applied for the determination of characteristics and qualities of new developed LDPE polymeric films.
Published Kaunas : JVE International
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2017
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