Title Application of interactive technologies for fostering students self-directed learning /
Translation of Title Studentų savivaldaus mokymosi skatinimas taikant interaktyviąsias technologijas.
Authors Dubosas, Mindaugas
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Pages 40
Keywords [eng] self-directed learning ; interactive technologies ; virtual learning environment
Abstract [eng] The doctoral dissertation is designed to evaluate the peculiarities of the usage of interactive technologies in the study process for fostering students’ self-directed learning. Theoretically defined and justified levels of self-directed learning allows to evaluate student’s initial and achieved level of self-directed learning while using interactive technologies; an interactive learning environment, students used during the studies, was created; the model and research methodology for the application of interactive technologies in the learning process for fostering students’ self-directed learning was justified which allows to evaluate the peculiarities of the environment for students’ self-directed learning. This research determined different expressions of factors fostering the change in students’ self-directed learning levels. The most influencing factors in group of infrastructure: interactivity, user’s responsibility and mobility; in group of teacher preparation: teacher’s ability to create environments receptive for self-directed learning, to plan properly and integrate IT into the educational content; in a group of student preparation: motivation, and independency; in a group of collaboration and support: the possibility to communicate while using interactive technologies, to share information with the help of interactive technologies, to disseminate information and to accumulate information in the shared environment.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2017