Title Basic radiation physics and sources of radiation /
Authors AdlienÄ—, Diana
ISBN 9788393393589
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Is Part of Applications of ionizing radiation in materials processing, Vol. 1 / edited by Yongxia Sun and Andrzej G. Chmielewski.. Warszawa : Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 2017. ch. 1, p. 7-31.. ISBN 9788393393589
Abstract [eng] 1. INTRODUCTION. Treatment of materials and products with radiation in order to modify their physical, chemical and biological properties is defi ned as radiation processing of materials. Radiation processing can be controlled and used for the development of the novel materials and products with desirable properties. The knowledge of the basic radiation physics, including the structure of matter, elements of nuclear physics, the nature of electromagnetic radiation, and radiation interaction with matter is required to understand irradiation processing and its potential in material sciences.
Published Warszawa : Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 2017
Type Book part
Language English
Publication date 2017
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