Title |
Tipinių procesų modelių identifikavimo metodų analizė ir tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Investigation of identification methods for typical process models. |
Authors |
Bačys, Justinas |
Full Text |
Pages |
96 |
Keywords [eng] |
identification ; moving data window ; closed loop control system |
Abstract [eng] |
This thesis deals with analysis and investigation of the methods for processes identification that can be used to identify typical processes models from the data, obtained from normal functioning process. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the typical processes model identification algorithms which can be used with the normal functioning data and to realize the adaptive control system using identified parameters of the model. In the first part of this investigation two stable identification methods was chosen and using all available processes data the influence of data sampling and noise level for identification quality was investigated. In the second part of the thesis experiments with moving data window were conducted and quality of model parameters identification algorithms was estimated. In the end experiments with closed loop control system were conducted. In this control system the controller parameters were changed using on-line identified valus of process model parameters. The quality of this system was compared with control system, where controller parameters are constant. Perform experiments showed that the quality of the regulatory processes can be improved by using parameter identification algorithms and adaptation of the control parameters in real time. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2017 |