Title |
Duomenų transformavimo į interaktyviąją infografiką HTML5 formatu metodų tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Research on methods based for data transformation to interactive HTML5 infographic. |
Authors |
Javtokaitė, Greta |
Full Text |
Pages |
61 |
Keywords [eng] |
visualization ; infographic ; interactive data ; distance learning |
Abstract [eng] |
In the modern world continuous flow of information has become part of everyday life and made process of memorizing and understanding it more difficut. Human brain are able to catch only information which drags attention. This situation forces to look for ways to provide educational materials as efficiently as possible. One of the ways is data visualization with infographics. This method lets to stress most important elements and makes memorizing process simplier. There are a variety of tools that allow to visualize information, however they come with restrictions to share and use material in the learning environments. The main aim of the project is to design and test a prototype that allows to transform data into an interactive HMTL5 infographics document which uses CSS3 styles and value it’s possibilities to share it in virtual learning environment. The data visualization analysis concluded that existing solutions are used in the presentation of educational material inefficiently. Used methods only partially visualize material and therefore do not meet modern expectations and needs. Due to applicability and features that allow to create interactive documents selected system prototyping technologies are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5), CSS document design, PHP programming language and MySQL database. Designed prototype suggests that with chosen technologies it is possible to realize a prototype which generates a code of interactive infographic suitable for virtual learning environments. Project included evaluation of interactvive HTML 5 infographic document. The generated result meets the criteria which are set for it and allows to transform information and present in in virtual learning environments. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2017 |