Title Žaidybinimo taikymas didinant organizacijos darbuotojų įsitraukimą /
Translation of Title Applying gamification to increase employee engagement.
Authors Čiplytė, Edita Aušrinė
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Pages 93
Keywords [eng] gamification ; game design elements ; gamer types ; employee engagement ; work engagement
Abstract [eng] Employee engagement has become one of the largest challenges organizations are facing in a changing business environment. Business managers are facing dilemma how to motivate younger generation. Employee engagement is a trending topic among human resource managers, because it is directly correlated with company performance, customer satisfaction and even financial results. Gamification can be powerful tool to increase employee engagement, because it allows to transform boring and monotonous tasks into interesting and meaningful activities. The aim of this thesis is to create gamification framework model to increase employee engagement. The empirical findings suggest that properly implemented gamification elements in the organization can have a positive impact to increase employee engagement.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017