Title The synergy potential of energy and agriculture - the main directions of development /
Authors Svazas, Mantas ; Navickas, Valentinas
DOI 10.3390/en18051031
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Is Part of Energies.. Basel : MDPI. 2025, vol. 18, iss. 5, art. no. 1031, p. 1-24.. ISSN 1996-1073
Keywords [eng] synergies effects ; renewable energy ; sustainable development ; agriculture
Abstract [eng] The development of renewable energy is increasingly blurring the line between the energy and agricultural sectors. Decarbonizing agriculture is essential for the development of sustainable development principles. This can be achieved in essentially the two following ways: by reducing fuel consumption and by making the livestock sector more efficient. This review sets out options for contributing to these two elements. The review sets the stage for a smoother synergy process, whereby waste generated in agriculture is fully utilized to strengthen farms. In conducting the review, the methods of scientific induction and deduction were used. One of the key elements is the recycling of the waste generated into biomethane. This biomethane in turn is used as a fuel for tractors and as a means of providing energy for farms. The production of biomethane or biogas can lead to decentralization of the energy system, with farms becoming less or completely independent from external energy supplies. At the same time, synergies with other forms of energy are being created. These make it possible to increase the income of farms by adding a new activity of supplying energy to other consumers.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2025
CC license CC license description