Title Naujos sidro gamyklos Kauno rajono savivaldybėje projektas /
Translation of Title Project of new cidery in Kaunas district.
Authors Striška, Karolis
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Pages 162
Keywords [eng] sparkling cider ; cider spirit ; fermentation, innovation ; alcohol
Abstract [eng] The aim of the Master's thesis is to design a new cider production facility in the Kaunas district municipality, with a total production capacity of 60,000 liters of cider and 5,000 liters of cider spirit per year. The company's product range includes sparkling dry apple cider, sparkling dry apple and pear cider, non-alcoholic sparkling dry apple cider, non-alcoholic sparkling dry apple and pear cider, and apple cider spirit. To achieve the goal of the thesis, an analysis of the cider and apple spirit market, consumers, and competitors was conducted. During the scientific research, cider spirits and sparkling ciders were produced, and parameters were determined for the fermentation of apple and apple with pear juice. Additionally, the sensory analysis of the produced sparkling dry ciders was carried out to identify the more acceptable variant for consumers. A review of scientific literature was conducted, including the discussion of patented information on pectin extraction from fruits. Based on quality requirements specified in normative documents, the created products, raw materials, and auxiliary substances used in production were characterized. A flowchart of technological processes to produce the manufactured products was developed, and its stages were described. Calculations were made to determine the required quantities of raw materials and auxiliary substances, and the equipment necessary for technological processes was selected. The designed company is projected to produce 20000 liters of sparkling dry apple cider and sparkling dry apple and pear cider each per year, along with 10000 liters of non-alcoholic sparkling dry apple cider and non-alcoholic sparkling dry apple and pear cider, and 5000 liters of apple cider spirit. Potential risk factors during raw material acquisition and production processes were described. To ensure quality and safety, a HACCP system was implemented. The general data of the designed company, architectural and structural design of the building, and financial-economic calculations supporting the company's economic benefit and payback period were described. The projected cost of the project is €949.35 thousand. Plans for the company's building and land, along with the technological schema for product manufacturing, were drawn up.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025