Title Conceptual design of a compact synchrotron-based facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with helium and proton beams /
Authors Vretenar, M ; Angoletta, M.E ; Borburgh, J ; Bottura, L ; Taylor, R ; Tranquille, G ; Benedetto, E ; Torims, T ; Paļskis, K ; Sapinski, M ; Radziņa, M ; Adliene, Diana ; Korobeinikova, E ; Kalniņa, M
DOI 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPM058
ISBN 9783954502318
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Is Part of IPAC'2023: proceedings of the 14th international particle accelerator conference, 7-12 May 2023, Venice, Italy.. Geneva : JACoW publishing, 2023. p. 5024-5027.. ISSN 2673-5490. ISBN 9783954502318
Abstract [eng] Thanks to their superior dose conformality and higher radiobiological effectiveness with respect to protons, he-lium ions are considered as the new tool of choice in the fight against cancer using particle beams. A facility to pro-duce helium beams at therapeutical energy can also accel-erate protons, at energies permitting both standardised treatment and full body radiography, and heavier ions for treatment of shallow tumours and for research. Equipped with FLASH beam extraction, it will be able to couple the protection to healthy tissues provided by Bragg peak and FLASH effect. This paper presents the basic layout of a facility based on a compact synchrotron of new design that can accom-modate a wide research programme with patient treatment, sharing the beam between two treatment rooms and an ex-perimental room. The linac accelerator may be designed to allow a programme for production of new radioisotopes for therapy, diagnostics and theragnostics using helium ions, in parallel with the operation as synchrotron injector. Overall cancer and conventional radiotherapy statistics, along with an estimate on the number of patients that can benefit from this facility is presented for the case of the Baltic States, as a candidate for hosting the facility.
Published Geneva : JACoW publishing, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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