Title Lietuvos atvykstamojo turizmo konkurencingumo vertinimas ekonomikos šokų kontekste /
Translation of Title Assessing the competitiveness of Lithuanian inbound yourism in the context of economic shocks.
Authors Bušmaitė, Valda
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Pages 77
Keywords [eng] inbound tourism ; economic shock ; Lithuania ; competitiveness assessment.
Abstract [eng] This paper analyses scientific sources in order to provide an overview of the competitiveness of Lithuania's inbound tourism sector in the context of economic shocks, highlighting key challenges and opportunities. It examines the concepts of economic shocks, their impact on the tourism sector, methods of assessing the sector's competitiveness and factors determining the sector's resilience to crises. Statistical analysis, data systematisation, application of competitiveness models and econometric methods are applied to achieve the objective of the paper. The results of the study revealed that the Lithuanian inbound tourism sector is vulnerable to economic shocks, but has certain strengths, such as cultural and natural potential. The main problems relate to limited infrastructure, lack of international visibility and use of technology. However, the analysis shows that well implemented strategies such as promoting digitisation, targeted marketing campaigns and improving infrastructure can make a significant contribution to the competitiveness of the sector. The study makes recommendations aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of Lithuania's inbound tourism sector. It suggests increasing investment in infrastructure, promoting digitisation and technology, targeted marketing campaigns and public-private cooperation. The implementation of the recommendations would contribute to increasing the sector's resilience to crises and strengthening its competitiveness in the global market.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025