Title Lietuvos eksporto veiksnių vertinimas /
Translation of Title Evaluation of the factors of Lithuania’s export development.
Authors Mozerytė, Monika
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Pages 81
Keywords [eng] export ; international trade ; correaltional analysis ; Pearson coefficient ; export structure
Abstract [eng] Globalization, integration, and rapid economic development influence the world's international markets and the economic decisions made. The importance of international trade was recognized and emphasized as early as the Mercantilist era. Since then, international trade and its tools and forms have significantly evolved. Currently, principles of free trade prevail. A country's specialization, economic factors, development of infrastructure, political environment, and other factors have influenced the formation and expansion of international trade. Therefore, exports are affected by economic-political environment factors, social-legal environment factors, technological environment factors, and ecological environment factors. Countries do not compete with each other; rather, companies and organizations compete for market share and greater benefits. However, the state plays a significant role in developing and supporting these environmental factors. Each country is interested in promoting exports, as exports are indeed the main driving force of economic and technological advancement. When describing a country's level of competitiveness, the volume and structure of its exports are observed. Exporting high-tech products or providing knowledge-intensive services creates greater benefits for the overall gross domestic product.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025