Title Veiksniai, lemiantys Z kartos darbuotojų išlaikymą logistikos sektoriuje /
Translation of Title Factors determining the retention of generation Z employees in the logistics.
Authors Muraškaitė, Marija
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Pages 95
Keywords [eng] retention factors ; generation Z employees ; employee retention factors in the logistics sector.
Abstract [eng] The analysis of the literature helped to understand that the problem of employee retention is still relevant and will be relevant among employees in the logistics sector. Various studies have shown that it is more profitable to retain an employee rather than to replace him, since the cost of training and recruiting can vary from half to double the salary of the former employee. Despite the financial losses that organizations may experience, they also face the loss of important knowledge. The outgoing employee takes with him the acquired knowledge, which he can apply in another company, thereby helping competitors. Generation Z employees by 2030 will occupy an increasing share of the labor market, and older workers in the logistics sector will leave organizations. Such a situation will encourage employers to look for measures to help attract and retain Generation Z employees. This generation will soon be the one to make up the majority of the organization's workforce and lead it forward. The aim of the project. To identify the retention factors of generation Z employees in the logistics sector. Project objectives: 1. To reveal the issue of retaining generation Z employees in the logistics sector. 2. To prepare a theoretical model of the retention factors of generation Z employees. 3. To investigate the retention factors of generation Z employees in the logistics sector. 4. Based on the empirical research results, prepare recommendations for the retention of employees of the Z generation in the logistics sector. The main results of the project. After analyzing the scientific literature, an initial theoretical model of retention factors of Generation Z employees was prepared. It consists of seven groups of theoretically analyzed retention factors - nature of work, culture and company policies, communication and relations with managers, colleagues, career, work organizational factors, compensation, technology - and employee retention based on variables such as performance rates and assessment of intention to leave the job. The results of the empirical study revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between groups of retention and employee retention factors, such as culture and company policy, communication and relations with managers/colleagues, career, work organization factors, compensation and technology. After checking the theoretical model of the retention factors of generation Z employees, it is confirmed that all the retention factors discussed in the literature can influence the desire of generation Z employees to leave the organization, with the exception of job nature factors. The results obtained during the analysis of the empirical study showed that the nature of work factor has no relationship with retention, although the literature has widely discussed the basis of work factors influencing employee retention.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025