Title Dirbtinio intelekto integracija funkcinėse projektų valdymo srityse /
Translation of Title Integration of artificial intelligence into project management performance domains.
Authors Vinkšnaitė, Ieva
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Pages 103
Keywords [eng] artificial intelligence ; project management ; performance domains
Abstract [eng] The final thesis aims at describing and analysing the following research issues related with artificial intelligence integration into project management performance domains. Project management in this thesis is based on PMBOK 7th version, which focuses on performance domains rather than the traditional process management model. The study argues that artificial intelligence creates benefits in all performance domains, it can improve communication management and collaboration, create greater stakeholder satisfaction and a more supportive and inclusive environment, automate tasks and increase process efficiency, improve decision-making and develop strategies to manage uncertainty. Artificial intelligence can not only improve processes in performance domains, but can also help maintain competitiveness by adding value to organisations and communities. However, the perceived lack of information and practical guidance on the application of artificial intelligence tools and its benefits in specific performance domains, both in Lithuania and globally, complicates the integration of artificial intelligence in project management, and the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the integration of artificial intelligence on the processes of project performance domains. The object of this research. Integrating artificial intelligence into project management performance domains. Research tasks: 1. to uncover problematic aspects of artificial intelligence integration into project management performance domains; 2. to analyse the theoretical solutions for the integration of artificial intelligence into project management performance domains; 3. to justify the methodological approach of the integration of artificial intelligence into project management performance domains; 4. based on the results of empirical research, propose solutions for the integration of artificial intelligence into project management performance domains. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, semi-structured interviews, qualitative content analysis. Research results. After conducting the analysis of research data, it was determined that 12 artificial intelligence tools provide practical benefits in the performance domains of project management: ChatGPT, Deepl, Project Admin, Smartsheet, Microsoft Project, Canva, Teams, Copilot, internal ChatGPT, Perplexity, Napkin, and Dimensions. The results suggests that artificial intelligence tools can improve and provide benefits in all performance domains. The results of the empirical study confirmed the barriers to artificial intelligence integration outlined in the theoretical model. The main artificial intelligence tool used by respondents in project management, which has the widest applicability in each performance domain, is ChatGPT, and it is therefore recommended that artificial intelligence integration should start with it. In order to ensure successful integration of artificial intelligence in the performance domains of project management, it is suggested that a process inventory is carried out and that a technical assessment is carried out to identify which processes are worthy of artificial intelligence implementation. The study notes that a strong emphasis needs to be placed on human resources, that is change management, the adaptation period and the provision of training. The practical implications of this work are useful for the integration of artificial intelligence tools in project management activities, as the recommendations generated by the study are based on the experience of eleven project management experts with very different projects and sectors, and the practical implications of this work are revealed through the universal applicability of the recommendations.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025