Title Hibridinių plonų perdangų su CLT plokštėmis virpesių analizė /
Translation of Title Vibration analysis of hybrid thin floor slabs with CLT penels.
Authors Ragelis, Jonas
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Pages 156
Keywords [eng] hybrid overlays ; vibration analysis ; modal analysis ; response factor ; vibration acceleration
Abstract [eng] This MSc thesis examines thin hybrid slabs for administrative buildings using oscillation analysis. It evaluates the performance of hybrid slabs comprising CLT panels with additional concrete layers for ultimate (ULS) and serviceability (SLS) limit states, focusing on vibration analysis. The impact of increased concrete layers, enhancing stiffness and weight, on modal and response factor analysis is studied. The primary focus is on CLT200 L5s and CLT260 L7s slabs, determining optimal spacings through analytical design and finite element analysis using Robot Structural Analysis. The difference in utilization of slab panels is determined by comparing analytical design for ULS and SLS deflection limit states with vibration analysis conducted using the finite element method-based software "Robot Structural Analysis.".
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025