Title Veiksniai, lemiantys nuotoliu dirbančių darbuotojų organizacinį įsipareigojimą /
Translation of Title Factors influencing the organisational commitment of teleworkers.
Authors Bagočiūnaitė, Greta
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Pages 79
Keywords [eng] organizational commitment ; affective commitment ; continuous commitment ; normative commitment ; telework.
Abstract [eng] Organisations are increasingly applying telework. For employees, teleworking is particularly attractive because of the time saved on commuting, increased productivity, work-life balance, flexibility, convenient scheduling (Longo, 2022), etc. Despite the benefits of teleworking, the loss of organisational attributes and direct communication with other members of the organisation makes it more difficult for teleworkers to maintain an important connection and identification with the organisation (Liu et al., 2022). The blurring of work-life boundaries and the distance between employees and the organisation hinders the establishment of valuable social ties, creating a sense of disconnection which has a negative impact on the commitment of teleworkers (Lott & Abendroth, 2023; Stranzl et al., 2024). Organisational commitment, as the binding force that connects the employee to the organisation, has been recognised by researchers as a crucial phenomenon for the success of organisations and one of the most important organisational variables directly or indirectly influencing many organisational outcomes (Đorđević et al., 2020). To date, research has mainly analysed the organisational commitment of employees working on workplace premises. As the number and use of teleworking forms in organisations increases, it is necessary to recognise that teleworking poses extraordinary challenges to employees' organisational commitment, and that the factors used to maintain or increase employees' commitment to the organisation in a teleworking form of organisation may differ. Thus, it is crucial to assess which factors may determine the commitment of teleworkers in particular.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025