Title Plieninių konstrukcijų lankstinių mazgų rekonstravimo į pusiau standžius mazgus tyrimai /
Translation of Title Research of pinned joints of steel structures reconstruction into semi-rigid joints.
Authors Ditauskas, Paulius
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Pages 344
Keywords [eng] joints ; pinned ; semi-rigid ; reconstruction ; research
Abstract [eng] The final Master's project analyses the reconstruction of pinned nodes into semi-rigid using finite element and component methods. The study analyses the influence of the reconstructed semi-rigid nodes on the individual elements and the global stability of the steel frame. The reconstruction of steel hinge connections into semi-rigid connections increases the overall stability and performance of the structures. The reconstruction of hinged connections into semirigid connections results in a more uniform distribution of stresses in the components and a reduction of structural displacements and overall deformations of the steel structures. The aim of this paper is to find and identify the most effective methods for reconstructing steel hinge nodes into semi-rigid joints by means of an analytical analysis of the literature and a global steel frame, investigating the behavior of these nodes and reducing the beam utilization of the additional solar electric load. Also to determine the combination of the reconstructed semi-rigid nodes that achieves the lowest utilization of the steel beams in terms of safety and serviceability limit states, taking into account the additional load of the solar plant. The study evaluates the components that have the highest positive effect and reduce the utilization of steel structures and increase the torsional stiffness value of the node by reconstructing the hinged connections into semi-rigid ones. With a better understanding of the possibilities and advantages of reconstructing hinged joints into semi-rigid joints in a more optimal way, researchers can contribute to the improvement of design and practice guidelines for structural engineering. Preliminary determination of the effect of connections on a framed structure, where many variables need to be taken into account, is time-consuming and demanding. Therefore, the most rational solutions for the reconstruction of hinged connections into semi-rigid connections are analyzed and presented in this study. This will facilitate and speed up the iterative design, fabrication and erection process of structures. The project consists of the following parts as specified in the assignment: introduction, literature review, methodology, analytical studies, conclusions, list of references, summary in English and three chapters. The introduction discusses the relevance of the work, the research problem and the object of the study. The aim and objectives of the work are formulated, the methodology of the study is presented, and the scientific novelty and practical usefulness of the work are noted. The conclusions of the analytical calculations using the finite element and component method are presented.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025