Title Vadovo emocinio intelekto ir darbuotojų inovatyvios elgsenos sąsajos /
Translation of Title Relationship between manager's emotional intelligence and employees' innovative behaviour.
Authors Kučinskienė, Marta
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Pages 88
Keywords [eng] leader ; emotional intelligence ; employee ; innovative behaviour.
Abstract [eng] Today business operates in an extremely dynamic environment. The competition is constantly growing each day as well as the number of economic challenges, and in such a daily confrontation the main role belongs to the manager. A leader must have high emotional intelligence and constantly strive for development and improvement. Emotional intelligence is as important as employees’ innovative behaviour in the organization. Research has proven that there is a link between manager's emotional intelligence and employees’ innovative behaviour. Manager's emotional intelligence is significant in order to promote innovative behaviour of the employees. However, it is necessary to determine which features of manager's emotional intelligence are the most significant to find the potential of the employees' innovative behaviour. Therefore, it is necessary to answer the following questions in relation to this research hypothesis: what are the manager's emotional intelligence features in the promotion of the employees’ innovative behavior? And how do manager's EI traits affect employees' innovative behavior?
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025