Title Modernizmas ir tvarumas: paralelės ir sankirtos bendruomenių formavimo ir aplinkos estetikos požiūriais /
Another Title Modernism and sustainability: parallels and intersections in community building and environmental aesthetics.
Authors Raudonikytė, Indraja
DOI 10.24101/logos.2024.77
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Is Part of Logos.. Vilnius : Logos. 2024, Nr. 121, p. 145-157.. ISSN 0868-7692
Keywords [eng] modernism ; modernisation ; communities ; sustainability ; sustainability aesthetics
Abstract [eng] The rapid transformation of production and lifestyles in the 19th and 20th centuries also led to changes in community and in the physical and aesthetic character of human living environments, which we might now call the modernist transformation. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, in addition to social justice concerns that have not lost their relevance, ecological and climate change issues are being addressed, and Western countries are embarking on a so-called 'green transformation'. Looking at the parallels and differences between the social and environmental transformations of the 20th and 21st centuries, the paper aims to compare the modernist and sustainability transformations of the 20th and 21st centuries, their similarities and intersections, and to propose possible solutions to the identified problems in the fields of community and environmental aesthetics, a kind of 'middle way' which, according to E.M. Mazzola (2019), could be called inheritable sustainability.
Published Vilnius : Logos
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description