Title Kultūros paveldo objektų projektavimo stadijai reikiamų duomenų surinkimo metodų analizė /
Translation of Title Analysisof data collection methods required for the design stage of cultural heritage objects.
Authors Urbonė, Kristina
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Pages 68
Keywords [eng] heritage ; building ; 3D scanning ; measurements ; indicator
Abstract [eng] Cultural heritage sites often have unique designs, uneven surfaces, various architectural details and complex construction elements. These features make accurate measurements difficult, as irregular shapes and unique architectural solutions must be taken into account. For example, Gothic or Baroque buildings have many ornate details and irregular layouts, so accurate and detailed measurements can be extremely difficult. Cultural heritage sites are often ancient, and their structures and materials may have been damaged by time, weather, human intervention or other factors. For this reason, measurements may be inaccurate, as the changed state of the structure must be taken into account: there may be broken or missing elements, deformed or cracked surfaces. The condition of ancient materials (stone, masonry, wood, etc.) can affect accuracy, and damaged details will not be able to be accurately measured using traditional methods. The work involves 3D scanning of the J. Čerkesa homestead using Trimble X7 scanning equipment. In order to avoid hidden areas, the building was scanned at 10 different stations, ensuring at least 80% overlap. The J. Čerkesa homestead is a protected cultural heritage site, entered into the local cultural heritage register as having architectural, historical and cultural value. Based on scientific literature, the following evaluation criteria were selected: time spent on data collection, defect assessment and recording, cost of work, accuracy of measurements, number of qualified specialists. After conducting a questionnaire survey, it was found that the cost of work has the greatest importance among the indicators, while time spent on data collection and accuracy of measurements are 20% less important. According to the questionnaire data, the number of qualified specialists, defect assessment and recording are the least important indicators When performing a 3D scan of the J. Čerkesas – Besparnis homestead, the work took 2 days, the cost of the work was 700 euros, 2 qualified workers worked, while when performing measurements using traditional methods, the work took 30 days, the cost of the work was 1095 euros, 3 qualified workers worked. Comparing the indicators used in building data collection using the Topsis method, it was found that 3D scanning is more effective and accounts for 0.866 efficiency points, while the efficiency of traditional measurements is 0.134 points.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025