Title Karkasinio pastato laikančiosios sienos stiprio tyrimas /
Translation of Title Strength study of the load-bearing wall of a frame building.
Authors Valeika, Saulius
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Pages 58
Keywords [eng] timber-frame building ; strength of load-bearing walls ; stresses ; compression
Abstract [eng] The growing problem of climate change and stricter environmental requirements are driving the construction sector to think and look for sustainable, environmentally friendly, renewable and low-waste solutions. One such option is timber frame buildings. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the strength of the load-bearing walls of a timber frame building. The first part of the thesis deals with the interpretations of Lithuanian and foreign scientists concerning the concept of frame buildings and the essential structural solutions. It looks at environmentally friendly options for the insulation of framed building structures using rapidly renewable alternative building materials, agricultural production and recycling by-products. It describes the key stages of the construction of a framed building and identifies the key technologies and optimization of the construction process for framed buildings. Research carried out by scientists on the strength properties and functions of load-bearing walls of buildings is examined. The second part of the thesis presents the design methodology of the framed panel, describing the loads acting on the wall of the framed panel, presenting the eccentrically compressible elements and their compliance with the technical building regulations in Lithuania. The third part presents the research model, the Wall Element Strength Study, which is developed using SolidWorks software. In order to assess the strength, stiffness and durability of the framed building, an analysis of the strength of the load-bearing wall elements of the framed building analysis is carried out and special calculations of the eccentrically tensile and compressive elements are performed. The study starts with an assessment of the loads acting on the load-bearing wall panel, the selection of the specific physical and mechanical properties of the framing panel elements, and the modelling of the load-bearing wall frame elements in SolidWorks software package. The strength analysis of the framed building wall is based on the evaluation of the obtained calculation results for a set of selected and modifiable parameters. The parameters to be varied and evaluated are these: the dependence of the strength and stiffness of the wall on the position of the panel joints, the thickness of the panels, the height of the panel thickness, the spacing of the struts and the height of the strut cross-section.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025