Title Mokyklos vadovų lyderystės ir pedagogų įsitraukimo į skaitmeninės transformacijos veiklas sąsajos /
Translation of Title Relationship between school principal’s leadership and teachers’ engagement in digital transformation activities.
Authors Pukienė, Gabija
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Pages 108
Keywords [eng] school principal leadership ; teacher engagement ; digital transformation ; digital competences ; professional development
Abstract [eng] This master thesis analyses the relationship between school leaders' leadership and teachers' engagement in digital transformation activities. Digital transformation, as one of the most important innovations in the education sector, requires strategic leadership from principals and the active involvement of educators. Leaders' roles include creating a vision, motivating educators, promoting their professional development and ensuring technology integration. Meanwhile, educators' involvement helps to create innovative learning environments and to implement digital change effectively. The paper focuses on the links between school leaders' leadership and educators' engagement in digital transformation activities. The aim of the paper is to reveal how school leaders' leadership influences educators' engagement in digital transformation processes and their professional development. The study is based on a literature review, a quantitative study (questionnaire survey) and a correlation analysis in order to reveal the links between school leaders' leadership approaches and teachers' engagement in digital transformation activities. The correlation analysis allowed us to assess how leaders' strategic actions - visioning, motivating teachers, managing the technological infrastructure - are related to teachers' digital competences, motivation for digital change, emotional well-being and collegial collaboration. The results of the study showed that the ability of leaders to develop a clear vision and goals for digital transformation is closely linked to the development of teachers' technological competences. Leaders who actively invest in building technological infrastructure, support teachers' professional development and focus on digital literacy are found to contribute to significant changes in school performance. The strongest links were found between leaders' actions and teachers' digital literacy and security knowledge. This shows that leaders, by demonstrating a strong commitment to digital transformation, enable teachers to use digital tools safely and effectively in their teaching. The weakest links were identified in the context of collegial collaboration in digital education. This reveals that leaders' influence in this area is less direct and more often focused on developing individual teachers' skills rather than on strengthening a culture of peer collaboration. These results suggest that school leaders should focus more on teamwork, encouraging teachers to share experiences and developing a collaborative and innovative culture. In summary, the study reveals that school leaders' leadership plays a key role in the context of teachers' engagement in digital transformation activities. Transformational and shared leadership models are particularly significant as they promote educators' participation in decision-making, motivation and professional growth. However, to ensure the full engagement of teachers, leaders should focus more on building a culture of collaboration, fostering interaction and creating an environment where teachers feel not only supported but also actively involved in strategic decisions. The recommendations made in this paper highlight the role of school leaders in the digital transformation process. It recommends that leaders strengthen the involvement of teachers in strategic change plans, promote professional development through training in the use of technology, and develop initiatives that support the promotion of collegial collaboration. Education policy makers are encouraged to ensure continued support for technology funding, support professional development programmes and promote peer-to-peer collaboration mechanisms at school level to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of digital transformation.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025