Title Angaro plieninio karkaso stiprumo tyrimas /
Translation of Title Strength study of the steel frame of the hangar.
Authors Kupčiūnas, Mantas
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Pages 58
Keywords [eng] Frame ; steel grades ; frame spacing
Abstract [eng] In the scientific literature analysis section, articles written by foreign researchers on steel hangar structures, connections, and loads applied to buildings were reviewed. The articles describe the interaction between steel structures and the environment, as well as the environmental effects on the strength of steel structures. The scientific articles evaluate the loads affecting the steel hangar based on its location and position within the plot. In the master's thesis, the loads impacting the steel hangar are described and assessed based on its location and position within the plot. The acting loads include: self-weight, snow, wind, and usage. Two combinations of loads are established. In the first combination, snow load is prioritized, while in the second, wind load takes precedence. In the research section, after load evaluation, 3D model calculations are performed on the Autodesk RSA platform to assess the most utilized frame, which is then subjected to further analysis. After identifying the most utilized frame, located in the middle of the hangar, the study continues by examining the impact of changing the steel grade, using S235, S355, and S450 grade structures. To evaluate the structures, column graphs are presented, illustrating the relationship between the structure's mass and the steel grade. An investigation is carried out to observe how the structure's mass and utilization factors change when modifying the types of structural joints. Stiff and hinged joints are assessed, keeping the column-to-foundation joint rigid in all cases. The utilization factors and structural mass are evaluated while changing the frame spacing to 2, 4, and 6 meters. A column graph is provided for the scenario when the entire hangar model is analyzed, depending on the number of frames installed at varying spacings. In this study, the structures are evaluated using frames with HEA, HEB, and HEM cross-sections. Research object – frame of the hangar. Aim of the work – to analyze the strenght of the steel frame of the hangar. Objectives of the work: 1 Perform an analysis of scientific sources of the strenght testing of steel structures; 2 Determine the dependence of the strength of a frame hangar on the cross-sections of the profiles used; 3 Determine the dependence of the strength of a frame hangar on the materials used. The master‘s thesis consists of: summaries in Lithuanian and English, an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusions, and a list of references. The thesis is comprised of 58 pages.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025