Title Kauno miesto gyventojų rizikos susirgti širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis prognozavimo modeliai /
Translation of Title Risk prediction models for cardiovascular diseases amongst citizens of Kaunas city.
Authors Grabauskytė, Ingrida
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Pages 56
Keywords [eng] risk prediction ; regression ; cardiovascular diseases
Abstract [eng] Cardiovascular diseases are the most common diseases not only in Lithuania, but in all of Europe [26]. Mortality due to these diseases is one of the most common. So it‘s very important to create mathematical models, that could identify and evaluate the risk factors impacting the reason of these diseases. The main objective of this work is to use data collected from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences to create statistical models to solve these tasks. We performed methods and models for analysis, which are often used in Lithuania and abroad identifying the risk to predict deaths from cardiovascular diseases. According to the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Institute of Cardiology, research data that were carried out from 1982 to 2013 years from Kaunas population, aged 45 to 64 years. There were developed regression models for cardiovascular diseases risk assessment and to predict death rates. Factors that influenced the cardiovascular diseases were identified. Created models realized with SAS statistical analysis system. An active online calculator that allows for each person to assess the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases was designed.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014