Title Chrominių ir fazinį būvį keičiančių medžiagų integravimas daugiafunkcinio dizaino gaminiuose /
Translation of Title Integration of chromic and phase-changing materials in multifunctional design products.
Authors Zubrickaitė, Aistė
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Pages 60
Keywords [eng] phase change materials (PCM) ; thermochromism ; photochromism ; plasma modification
Abstract [eng] The textile industry is perhaps the industry that generates the most waste. Large amounts of resources used in production are not recycled, therefore they end up in the environment. Reducing the demand for fast fashion is one of the greatest goals in modern society. The use of PCM materials in textile products improves the thermal insulation properties of the product and also improves consumer comfort. Chromium materials used in textile products help to create not only visually attractive, but also practical designs. The project aimed to combine the use of PCM materials with the use of chromium pigments. By combining these two technologies, the influence of PCM materials on the effectiveness of chromium pigment is studied. The study uses plasma modification, which improves the hydrophilic properties of the product, and the influence of such modification on the final product is studied. The results obtained show that the use of PCM materials improves the performance of chromium pigment. It was found that the use of higher PCM concentrations most effectively stimulated the color fading reaction, and when using PCM material applied by impregnation, the color return reaction occurs most effectively.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025