Title Skaitmeninių technologijų inovacijos mados produktų virtualizavimui /
Translation of Title Innovations in digital technology for virtualizing fashion products.
Authors Belkevičiūtė, Gabrielė
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Pages 53
Keywords [eng] virtual fashion ; virtualization ; national costume ; digital technology ; photogrammetry
Abstract [eng] In the final thesis the process of fashion product virtualization and its benefits for creators and consumers are reviewed. Different methods of virtualization using computer-aided design programs, 3D scanning tools, and generative artificial intelligence are analyzed. The use of virtual fashion products in video games and wearing virtual clothes in photos and using AR filters is reviewed. Cases of digital fashion shows and virtual fashion stores are analyzed. Then, the use of virtualization to promote and preserve cultural heritage is reviewed. In the research part, a dress is virtualized using 6 artificial intelligence tools, one computer program and 5 mobile photogrammetry applications, and the virtual design program CLO3D. The generated results are analyzed and the advantages, disadvantages and efficiency of the programs are presented. When comparing the 3D models, recommendations are prepared on where they can be used best. Based on the results and recommendations, women's lithuanian national costume is virtualized. Using the photogrammetry program Reality Capture and the virtual design program Blender, a static virtual costume model was created, which was animated to turn around. The created model visualizations can be used in ecommerce and in the virtualization of ethnographic museums. Using the specialized virtual design program CLO3D, costume visualizations and animations were created. Generative artificial intelligence was used to create accessories that can be used in games as environment decorations or additional parts of a virtual costume.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025