Title Krašto juostų atsparumo šilumai ir drėgmei baldų gamyboje tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of edge banding resistance to heat and moisture in furniture manufacturing.
Authors Beresnevičė, Kornelija
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Pages 54
Keywords [eng] edge band ; moisture ; heat ; resistance ; furniture.
Abstract [eng] Edge bands are used for finishing the edges of case furniture. They are especially important for furniture exposed to moisture and temperature-sensitive environments, such as kitchen and bathroom furniture. They give products an aesthetic appearance and protect them from environmental effects. Currently, European furniture manufacturers face rapidly growing competition from Asian countries. To maintain leading positions, Europe must actively search for new strategies to remain competitive. One way is to expand exports to distant regions with high humidity and temperature conditions. However, there is a lack of detailed studies analyzing edge bands' resistance to these environmental factors. It is important not only to test their durability, but also to optimize production costs, which could help reduce expenses. Determining the economically optimal thickness of edge bands would maintain a competitive advantage and ensure a balance between cost and quality. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of heat and humidity on edge bands in furniture manufacturing and to find the economically optimal thickness of edge bands that ensures the lowest costs without losing quality. The study uses medium-density particleboard (MDP) and acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS) edge bands, which are widely applied in the furniture industry and are known for their high resistance to environmental impacts. The bonding process employs ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) hot melt adhesive, applying traditional gluing technology. Experimental results showed that EVA adhesives and ABS edge bands are suitable for use under high temperatures and humidity. On the other hand, an even adhesive layer without microscopic gaps between the edge and the panel is a critical factor for ensuring resistance to moisture. It is worth noting, that attention should be paid not only to the edge band itself, but also to the surface it is applied to. A paper-laminated surface does not provide the same protection as a painted panel. It was found that the optimal edge band thickness, ensuring minimal production costs and maintaining necessary quality, is 0.8 mm. Thus, using an even adhesive application, suitable furniture finishes, and optimized ABS edge band thickness can ensure resistance to various environmental factors and achieve an efficient balance between quality and costs.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025