Title The impact of digitalization on teaching practices and student engagement /
Authors Laurikaitiene, Jurgita ; Adliene, Diana ; Puišo, Judita
ISBN 9786259867038
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Is Part of ICASTE2024: proceedings of international conference on academic studies in technology and education, 13-16 November 2024, Antalya, Turkey / editor Dr. Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci.. Antalya : ARSTE, 2024. p. 189-197.. ISBN 9786259867038
Keywords [eng] higher education ; traditional learning ; digitalization ; transition ; teaching quality ; student engagement
Abstract [eng] The rapid digitalization of higher education has transformed the way how the students interact with learning material and acquire knowledge. Meanwhile, traditional classroom teaching cannot provide an immediate learning environment, quicker assessments, and increased engagement. In contrast, digital learning tools and technologies bridge this gap, offering efficiencies that traditional methods cannot offer. It is known that digital technology and resources serve to enhance and add value to teaching and learning processes. Therefore, educators and students now have access to an expanding range of digital tools and materials designed to improve teaching methods, along with the ability to collaborate through various tools and/or platforms (different video lectures/conferences, virtual labs, digital library database, data exchange and cloud systems, game based – interactive tasks tools, quizzes, digital schedules with active links for every course activity, attendance of the lectures etc.). Due to this reason the main aim of this study was to analyse the main advantages and disadvantages of implemented various digital tools for the medical physics course students’ and evaluate possible impact of digitalization to the teaching and learning process in comparison with traditional learning methods.
Published Antalya : ARSTE, 2024
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2024
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