Title Theoretical evaluation of space constants of electronic decay in resistive anisotropic media: common equation /
Another Title Elektrotoninio gesimo konstantų teorinis įvertinimas ominėse-talpinėse anizotropinėse terpėse: bendroji lygtis.
Another Title Теоретическая оценка постоянных длины электротонического затучания в омических анизотропных средах: общее уравнение.
Authors Veteikis, R
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Is Part of Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2008, Nr. 8, p. 37-42.. ISSN 1392-1215
Keywords [eng] anisotropy ; electronic control ; electrodes
Abstract [eng] A mathematical model of the electrotonic potential distribution in a three-dimensional bidomain anisotropic resistive-capacitive medium (myocardium) is devised for the case when the source of current is point-, circle- disc- or cylinder-shaped. Using the superposition principle, the current electrode is approximated by point sources, arranging them on the perimeter of the circle-shaped electrode in two ways such that: a) the distances between them are identical in the metric system of coordinates; b) the distances between the point sources are identical in a normalized system of coordinates. The disk-shaped and cylinder-shaped current sources are approximated by point sources, evenly arranging them on the surface.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2008
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