Title Testability analysis of the VHDL structure for fault coverage improving /
Another Title VHDL struktūrų testuojamumo analizė pagerinti klaidų aptinkamumą.
Authors Hahanov, V.I ; Kaminska, M.A ; Lavrova, O
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Is Part of Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2007, Nr. 2, p. 29-32.. ISSN 1392-1215. eISSN 2029-5731
Keywords [eng] digital media ; VHDL (computer hardware description language) ; digital electronics
Abstract [eng] Method of digital device testability analysis, which is represented on the system level (VHDL description) for verification and test synthesis tasks simplification for fault coverage improvement on the given test patterns is offered. Method is based on the topological analysis of circuit, which is represented as RTL blocks and circuit’s further modification by separation of testing and functional procedures for testability improving and testing procedure simplification.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2007
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