Title Non-stationary drift of electrons in submicron high electron mobility transistor with two heterojunctions /
Another Title Nestacionarusis elektronų dreifas submikroniniuose heterotranzistoriuose su dviem heterosandūromis.
Authors Timofeyev, V.I ; Amini, M ; Faleeva, E.M
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Is Part of Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2007, Nr. 4, p. 33-36.. ISSN 1392-1215. eISSN 2029-5731
Keywords [eng] miniature electronic equipment ; transistors ; electron transport ; algorithms
Abstract [eng] Algorithms and numerical procedures for analysis of physical characterizations distributing in a submicron high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) are developed. Based on a two-dimensional physical-topological model processes of non-stationary carriers’ drift in a transistor with two potential wells are considered. It is shown that the average electron gas temperature lower and electron drift velocity is higher in transistors with two potential wells with the submicron gate size (0.2μm), than in traditional transistor structures.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2007
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