Title The potential of wood construction waste circularity /
Authors Kiesnere, Gunita ; Atstaja, Dzintra ; Cudecka-Purina, Natalija ; Susniene, Rozita
DOI 10.3390/environments11110231
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Is Part of Environments.. Basel : MDPI. 2024, vol. 11, iss. 11, art. no. 231, p. 1-31.. ISSN 2076-3298
Keywords [eng] circular economy ; waste circularity ; construction wood ; construction waste ; wood construction waste ; sustainable development
Abstract [eng] Wood construction waste circularity presents enormous potential to significantly de crease total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the European Union (EU). Latvia could become a frontrunner due to its historic relationship with forestry, wood construction practises and unused potential of the innovative application of wood. This research examines what the potential of “circular wood” in Latvia is, how ready the Latvian wood house construction sector is to engage in a circular economy and wood waste circularity and whether the legal framework is ready to support woodwaste management in the country. This study presents a combined approach for systematic woodconstruction product circularity assessment that includes a review of existing EU and Latvian frameworks for construction and demolition waste (CDW) management and wood construction, a general analysis of wood waste recycling systems and technologies, a quantitative data analysis of construction waste management in Latvia and qualitative data analysis of the Latvian wood house construction sector, and interviews with a focus group of Latvian wood industry representatives. The Latvian scope has allowed us to clarify the pattern methodology and impact points to be replicated, tested and measured further on a broader scale, in other countries, or throughout the whole EU.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description