Title Translation studies: translator training vs employers’ expectations /
Authors Horbačauskienė, Jolita ; Kasperavičienė, Ramunė ; Petronienė, Saulė
DOI 10.1515/jolace-2017-0009
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Is Part of Journal of language and cultural education.. Warsaw : De Gruyter Open. 2017, vol. 5, iss. 1, p. 145-159.. ISSN 1339-4045. eISSN 1339-4584
Keywords [eng] ranslation studies ; expectations of employers ; translator training ; translator competences ; European standard ; international directives
Abstract [eng] Currently various industries using translation services stress the necessity of analytical, critical and practical knowledge of 2 foreign languages, substantial skills of translation technologie s, as well as transferable skills for professional translator performance. A changing translator profile causes a shift in translation study programmes towards the development of transferable skills along with translation -related skills. Therefore, the pap er focuses on employers’ expectations in relation to the abilities and skills of professionally trained translators. The outcomes of this study reflect the overall situation in the country, still undergoing significant changes in the translation -related in dustry from the perspective of employers who agree that together with translation -related skills graduates of translation programmes should possess a range of transferable skills, which empower them to act professionally in a changing environment.
Published Warsaw : De Gruyter Open
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2017
CC license CC license description