Title Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of 2-[2-(9H-Fluoren-9-ylidene)hydrazin-1-yl]-1,3-thiazole derivatives /
Authors Anusevičius, Kazimieras ; Stebrytė, Ignė ; Kavaliauskas, Povilas
DOI 10.3390/M1872
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Is Part of MolBank.. Basel : MDPI. 2024, vol. 2024, iss. 3, art. no. M1872, p. 1-9.. ISSN 1422-8599
Keywords [eng] antibacterial ; antifungal ; carbothioamide ; fluorenone ; thiazoles
Abstract [eng] Fluorenyl-hydrazonothiazole derivatives 2–7 were synthesized by the Hantzsch reaction from 2-(9H-fluoren-9-ylidene)hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (1) and the corresponding α-halocarbonyl compounds in THF or 1,4-dioxane solvent. A base catalyst is not necessary for synthesising thiazoles, but it can shorten the reaction time. The antimicrobial properties of all synthesized compounds were screened for multidrug-resistant microorganism strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the tested compounds against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi was higher than 256 μg/mL, but several compounds had activity against Gram-positive strains.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description