Title Teologijos ir technologijos konvergencija milenarizmo šviesoje /
Translation of Title Convergence of theology and technology in the light of millenarianism.
Authors Čepulis, Nerijus
DOI 10.24101/logos.2024.47
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Is Part of Logos.. Vilnius : Logos. 2024, Nr. 120, p. 50-61.. ISSN 0868-7692
Keywords [eng] theology ; technology ; theosis ; millenarianism ; utopia
Abstract [eng] Salvation, theosis, millenarianism, utopia and technology are themes that converge and intertwine in the history of religious thought and technological progress. This article examines the origins and conditions of the convergence of theology and technology in the context of millenarian expectations. In the Middle Ages, the idea of theosis in Christian thought begins to reveal a technological dimension, particularly in the millenarian movement of Joachim of Fiore. In the Renaissance, the convergence of theology and technology becomes even more pronounced in the utopias of the 'golden age' and the 'fulfilment of time', culminating in the idea of a new order in the Rosicrucian movement.
Published Vilnius : Logos
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024
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