Title Control of the parameters of the surface layer of steel parts during their processing applying the material homogeneity criterion /
Authors Kusyi, Yaroslav ; Stupnytskyy, Vadym ; Kostiuk, Olha ; Onysko, Oleh ; Dragašius, Egidijus ; Baskutis, Saulius ; Chatys, Rafał
DOI 10.17531/ein/187794
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Is Part of Eksploatacja i niezawodnosc = Maintenance and reliability.. Warsaw : Polish Maintenance Society. 2024, vol. 26, iss. 3, art. no. 187794, p. 1-20.. ISSN 1507-2711. eISSN 2956-3860
Keywords [eng] life cycle of a part ; reliability ; surface layer ; technological inheritability
Abstract [eng] The main goal of the presented research is to assess the technological damageability of the material and use this as a criterion for analyzing the technological route of product machining in the "blank-workpiece-final part" technological chain. This technological chain is examined in detail in the most important stages of the life cycles of mechanical engineering products aiming to take into account the principles of technological inheritability of their characteristics and quality parameters. The technological inheritability of the properties of the surface layers of the made of steel parts of machines and mechanisms during their machining evaluates and predicts the transformation of the structurally heterogeneous material obtained after the production of blanks into the structurally homogeneous material of the final parts. The procedure for evaluating the homogeneity of the processed material for each technological step by the LM hardness method is presented according to the calculated values of the Weibull homogeneity coefficient, material constant, variation coefficient, technological damageability along with corresponding intensity of the expansion. The developed methodology was implemented and proven at the manufacturing process of the conveyor belt drive drum shaft.
Published Warsaw : Polish Maintenance Society
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description