Title Informacinių technologijų taikymas technologijų mokytojams ruošiantis pamokoms ir dalyko mokymo procese /
Translation of Title Application of information technology by technology teachers in the preparation of lessons and in the process of teaching the subject.
Authors Markevičiūtė, Aušra
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] a single virtual working environment ; website ; web page
Abstract [eng] The changing education system, the fast pace of life, and the changing abilities of pupils, are giving teachers more and more challenges. The abundance of information sources, the number of IT tools available and the need to maintain learners' interest require more and more time to select content. Teachers are not only preparing material for the classroom, but are also continuously engaged in intensive self-learning and professional development. All of this takes time. The aim is to enable teachers to save time in their preparation for teaching technology by using information tools and a unified, structured virtual working environment. The need to enable teachers to save time in the technology subject was identified by finding out how much time teachers spend preparing for lessons, whether they feel the need to have structured and grouped materials in a virtual workspace, and what kind of materials they expect. After reviewing the results of the survey, a unified virtual working environment was designed. After evaluating the functional and non-functional features, an implementation framework was chosen. The UDE was tested by interviewing teachers from different schools in the Republic. The information obtained confirmed that the developed website is welcomed by technology teachers. They not only want to use the summarised material for lessons, self-education, to find relevant documents, but also to share and develop the material together in a cooperative and collaborative way. Respondents are looking forward to the development of a unified virtual working environment.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024