Title Pradinio ugdymo mokinių pažangos rezultatų vertinimas naudojant informacines technologijas /
Translation of Title Evaluation of the progress of primary education pupils‘ achievements using information technology.
Authors Sadovnikovaitė, Viktorija
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Pages 68
Keywords [eng] primary education ; primary education assessment ; information technology
Abstract [eng] The master's final project analyses the assessment of primary school learners' progress. The topic is very current because the assessment of primary school learners is ideographic and time-consuming. It takes more time to write down what a learner can or cannot do than to write a grade. Today, we have to record learners' progress in electronic journals. Most teachers use a variety of other additional tools to assess progress. The lack of linkages between the e-journal and other tools makes assessment difficult and the e-journal does not fully meet the needs of teachers. This was confirmed by a teacher survey. The problem that emerged was that ideographic assessment takes longer than writing a grade, and there is a need for tools to facilitate this work. The aim of the paper was to facilitate the ideographic assessment of learners' progress by primary school teachers using the Primary Assessment Methodology.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024