Title Šalutinių augalinės žaliavos perdirbimo produktų biorafinavimas į vertingus funkcionaliuosius komponentus taikant įvairius ekstrakcijos metodus /
Translation of Title Biorefining the by-products of plant material processing into valuable functional ingredients by applying various extraction techniques.
Authors Povilaitis, Darius
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Pages 47
Keywords [eng] bran ; pomace ; extraction ; antioxidants ; optimization
Abstract [eng] This study investigates the valorization of rye and wheat bran and blackcurrant pomace using multistep processes for biorefining the biomass into high value food-grade functional ingredients. Supercritical fluid extraction, pressurized liquid extraction and enzyme-assisted extractions were applied to isolate these substances. The most important variables have been optimized in order to achieve the highest efficiency of the applied process. Different antioxidant activity assays were applied to determine the best fractions for the value-added ingredient production.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016