Title Conceptual model for designing synergetic solutions between Knowledge Management and Digital Transformation /
Translation of Title Sinerginių sprendimų tarp žinių valdymo ir skaitmeninės transformacijos formavimo modelis.
Authors Savickas, Šarūnas
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Pages 110
Keywords [eng] Knowledge Management ; Digital Transformation ; Industry 4.0 ; synergy
Abstract [eng] This research project attempts to reveal the interplay dynamics between Knowledge Management (KM) and Digital Transformation (DT) and design solutions that would enable the synergistic value creation. DT involves levering various digital technologies, to fundamentally change how business operate, how, and what value they deliver to customer, while the goal of KM is to focus on the processes of creating, storing, sharing, and applying organizations collective knowledge, in order to make various organizational processes more efficient and help business reach its objectives. Integrating these processes, could open new avenues of value creation, speed up the DT implementation, increase the longevity of DT, its sustainability factors, while on the KM side, the use of DT technologies and concepts, could make all of the KM processes more efficient, reliable, which would in turn, make the knowledge workers of organizations more efficient, motivated and productive.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024