Title |
"Lean" ir ISO 9001:2015 standarto integracija: ISO sertifikuotos organizacijos atvejis / |
Translation of Title |
Integration of Lean with ISO 9001:2015 standart: a study of application in ISO sertified organization. |
Authors |
Gelažienė, Edita |
Full Text |
Pages |
82 |
Keywords [eng] |
quality management ; ISO standard ; Lean system |
Abstract [eng] |
This final thesis analyses the importance of the efficiency of quality management system when trying to ensure the quality of company activity and products as well as to satisfy the needs of the interested parties. The main methods of quality management, such as ISO standard and Lean, are analysed, as it is recommended to follow them for organisations seeking to improve its current quality management systems. In addition, the quality management system used in Othobaltic UAB as well as its conformity to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard and principles of Lean system are investigated. The paper provides staff survey, the aim of which is to determine what means and methods of management have influence on the company’s quality system. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2016 |