Title The effect of plant origin ingredients on the quality characteristics and chemical profile of meat products /
Translation of Title Augalinės kilmės ingredientų įtaka mėsos gaminių kokybei ir cheminiam profiliui.
Authors Kerner, Kristi
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Pages 124
Keywords [eng] meat quality ; plant origin ingredients ; antioxidants ; lipid oxidation ; metabolomics
Abstract [eng] One of the most significant trends in the food science and technology is the upcycling of agri-food processing side-streams for the recovery of high nutritional value compounds and the production of health-beneficial components for diverse uses, including meat products. Fruit processing by-products are rich in polyphenolic antioxidants. Small fruits are therefore particularly interesting for upcycling into more valuable materials. For that, the use of novel green extraction technologies has been tested. The aim of the current research is to evaluate the possibilities of using selected innovative plant origin ingredients (hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seedcake, sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv.), blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) seed and rowanberry (Sorbus aucuparia L.) pomace) in meat products by assessing their effects on various quality parameters and the formation of products of chemical reactions. For achieving the aim, promising plant origin ingredients were selected and characterized; plant materials were recovered by using various green extraction methods, added into the meat products at different concentrations and evaluated their effect on the quality characteristics (colour parameters, pH-value, aw, chemical composition, cooking loss, oxidation, sensory assessment and untargeted metabolomics) of meat products. The current research demonstrated that the selected plant origin ingredients may be considered as promising antioxidants to be used in cooked meat products at concentrations 1–5%, which improved their quality characteristics and chemical profile.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024