Title A grey decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory model for digital warehouse management in supply chain networks /
Authors Zaman, Syed Imran ; Khan, Sherbaz ; Zaman, Syed Ahsan Ali ; Khan, Sharfuddin Ahmed
DOI 10.1016/j.dajour.2023.100293
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Is Part of Decision analytics journal.. Elsevier. 2023, vol. 8, art. no. 100293, p. 1-11.. ISSN 2772-6622
Keywords [eng] digitalization ; warehouse management system ; supply chain management ; performance assessment ; Grey-DEMATEL
Abstract [eng] Integratingdigitalizationandwarehousemanagementsystems(WMS) isacrucialaspectofenhancingsupply chainperformance for strategic competitiveness.Multiple technologies promote digital development and supply chainmanagement (SCM) transformation. They include artificial intelligence and robotics, cloud computing, 3Dprinting, advancedanalytics, blockchain, augmented reality, radio frequency identification (RFID), the internet of things (IoT), andcloudtechnology. This researchaims to identifyandevaluate the factorsofdigitalization,WMS,andsupplychainperformancebycombiningacomprehensiveliteraturereview analysiswith the greydecision-making trial andevaluation laboratory (DEMATEL)method. Anextensive literaturereviewisconductedtoidentifytheprimarydeterminantsofsupplychainperformance.Subsequently, theexpert panel fromthe textile industry is consulted toobtainexpert opinions on these factors’ relative importance. The findings of this studydemonstrated that by considering the interdependencies on supply chainperformanceandtheuncertainties relatedtoexpert judgments, thesuggestedcomprehensivemodel is highlycapableofaddressingthedigitalizationWMSproblem.
Published Elsevier
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
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