Title Industry 5.0 implications for inclusive sustainable manufacturing: an evidence-knowledge-based strategic roadmap /
Authors Ghobakhloo, Morteza ; Iranmanesh, Mohammad ; Foroughi, Behzad ; Babaee Tirkolaee, Erfan ; Asadi, Shahla ; Amran, Azlan
DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138023
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Is Part of Journal of cleaner production.. Oxford : Elsevier. 2023, vol. 417, art. no. 138023, p. 1-16.. ISSN 0959-6526. eISSN 1879-1786
Keywords [eng] circular economy ; industry 5.0 technologies ; manufacturing resilience ; social sustainability ; human centricity
Abstract [eng] Despite the hype surrounding Industry 5.0 and its importance for sustainability, the micro-mechanisms through which this agenda can lead to socio-environmental values are largely understudied. The present study strived to address this knowledge gap by developing a strategic roadmap that outlines how Industry 5.0 can boost sustainable manufacturing. The study first conducted a content-centric literature review and identified 12 functions through which Industry 5.0 can inclusively boost sustainable manufacturing. The study further developed a strategic roadmap that identified the complex contextual relationships among the functions and explained how they should be synergistically leveraged to maximize their contribution to sustainability. Results reveal that value network integration, sustainable technology governance, sustainable business model innovation, and sustainable skill development are the most driver and tangible implications of Industry 5.0 for sustainable manufacturing. Alternatively, renewable integration and manufacturing resilience are among the most dependent and hard-to-reach sustainable functions of Industry 5.0, and their materialization requires major strategic collaboration among stakeholders. The strategic roadmap outlines how Industry 5.0 stakeholders can leverage the technological and functional constituents of this agenda to promote sustainable manufacturing inclusively.
Published Oxford : Elsevier
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description