Title Comparative studies of EDM machining using aluminium, brass and copper /
Authors Kompelli, Gopi ; Manimaran, Hari Prasanna ; Shaik, Khaja Naib Rasool ; Injeti, Wesley
DOI 10.33564/IJEAST.2019.v04i08.043
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Is Part of International journal of engineering applied sciences and technology.. [S.l.] : Researcher Index Society for Engineers. 2019, vol. 4, iss. 8, p. 243-254.. ISSN 2455-2143
Keywords [eng] electrical discharge machining ; copper ; brass ; aluminum ; material removal rate ; electrodes ; metal removal
Abstract [eng] Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is also called as spark erosion and it is a non-traditional machining process which is based on the thermoelectric energy between the electrode and work specimen. In this procedure, the material removal is happened electro thermally by a progression of progressive discrete releases among anode and the workpiece [1]. In the EDM process, different electrode materials are used for comparative studied. EDM researchers are invented many ways to improve the sparking efficiency with including someone of a kind test ideas experimental concepts that depart from the EDM traditional sparking phenomenon [2]. The Material Removal Rate (MRR), Macro Graph (MG), Surface Roughness (SR), Signal to noise ratio (SN) is measured and recorded for detailed analysis. In the experimental process, different electrode materials are used like Aluminum, Brass, Copper kind of materials employed in the set of experiments and spo oil is used as the dielectric [3]. This experiment is to investigate the best material characteristic in terms of higher Material Removal Rate (MRR), low signal to noise ratio, excellent surface finish and the Macro Graphs after machining. Various machining parameters used to conduct an experiment are depth of cut, time pulse, current, frequency, lift time on materials like copper, brass, aluminium.
Published [S.l.] : Researcher Index Society for Engineers
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2019
CC license CC license description