Title Stability analysis of conventional rocket model using CFD tool /
Authors Manimaran, Hari Prasanna ; Shaik, Khaja Naib Rasool ; Kompelli, Gopi
DOI 10.17577/IJERTV9IS010262
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Is Part of International journal of engineering research and technology.. Gandhinagar : ESRSA publications. 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, p. 453-456.. ISSN 2278-0181
Keywords [eng] rocket ; stability analysis ; rocket ballistics ; computational fluid dynamics
Abstract [eng] This research paper investigates the methods of finding the centre of pressure and centre of gravity of conventional rocket body to predict the stability. Determining stability is crucial for the rocket ballistics. As the stable rocket body archives the higher accuracy and obtains the required performance. Centre of gravity can be calculated by experimental methods and the centre of pressure can be calculated using the cross-sectional area. But using computational method is more convenient. In this research computational software are used to determine the stability of the rocket model.
Published Gandhinagar : ESRSA publications
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020
CC license CC license description