Title The management of urban communes in the aspect of sustainable development /
Authors Łukomska-Szarek, J ; Brzozowska, A ; Navickas, V ; Imiłczyk-Sepczuk, J
DOI 10.17512/pjms.2023.27.1.11
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Is Part of Polish journal of management studies.. Czestochowa : Czestochowa university of technology. 2023, vol. 27, iss. 1, p. 181-201.. ISSN 2081-7452
Keywords [eng] sustainable development ; environment ; management ; municipalities ; CCPCA ; CART ; Fisher's test
Abstract [eng] The awareness of sustainable development principles is becoming increasingly widespread, but the implementation of this idea into economic, social, and political life is associated with numerous difficulties and still constitutes a complex problem. This paper aims to assess the stimulants and destimulants of implementing sustainable development principles. A survey questionnaire was conducted between March and May 2021, and the data was analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Principal Components Analysis (CCPCA) and Classification and Regression Trees (CART) methodology to discern the relationships among variables. Fisher's test was employed to assess the strength of the relationships between the identified factors. The results revealed that the main opportunities associated with sustainable development include access to EU programs and funds, tourism development, city and region promotion, and job creation through attracting foreign and domestic investments. On the other hand, the most significant threats identified were unstable financial policies, increased tasks without ensuring financial resources, and lack of support for eco-friendly business activities. These factors contribute to potential social, economic, and environmental problems, such as air pollution, low environmental awareness among residents, and inadequate road infrastructure. The findings emphasize the need for to consider both internal and external factors when implementing sustainable development measures.
Published Czestochowa : Czestochowa university of technology
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description