Title Towards side-effect free anticancer therapy /
Authors Rulinskaitė, Reda ; Palepšienė, Rūta ; Šatkauskas, Saulius ; Raišutis, Renaldas ; Maciulevičius, Martynas
DOI 10.15388/IOR2023
ISBN 9786090708835
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Is Part of Open readings 2023: 66th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences, April 18-21, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania: annual abstract book / editors: M. Keršys, Š. Mickus.. Vilnius : Vilnius University press, 2023. p. 297.. ISBN 9786090708835
Abstract [eng] In cancer treatment, the primary goal is to find an effective way to reduce the size of a cancerous tumor by leaving no side effects. Since bleomycin is cytotoxic, it is frequently used in chemotherapy to treat cancer [1]. Despite the fact that bleomycin reduces or stops the growth of a tumor, drug can lead to severe or fatal side effects, such as pulmonary injury progressing into pulmonary fibrosis [2]. Chemotherapy has a variety of side effects that slow down the time necessary for recovery. Calcium (Ca2+) ions are immensely vital for normal cell and tissue function being an intracellular second messenger that is involved in signal transduction pathways and many cellular metabolic processes [3]. Ca2+ is currently used in anti-cancer treatment: calcium electroporation has been proven to be an effective anti-cancer treatment method [4]. Sonoporation (SP) involves non-invasive application of medical ultrasound (US) in combination with microbubbles (MBs) in order to attain spatio-temporally controlled anticancer drug delivery to cells and tissues. Although SP could have greater potential in treating cancer than electroporation, Ca2+ delivery and possible applications for sonotherapy are poorly investigated. The employment of Ca2+ for cancer treatment would allow to significantly diminish detrimental side-effects, imposed by conventional cytotoxic drugs. [...].
Published Vilnius : Vilnius University press, 2023
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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